Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sick Saturday

Today began like any other Saturday. I got up before the rest of the house. I brushed my teeth, put my contacts in, and went down to check and see if Emily was awake. She was. I got her out of bed. We had a short snuggle before Emily demanded I 'put her down on the floor'. She needed a story. She needed the light on too so she could see what book she was going to make me read as she went potty. Then she coughed to clear her throat and instead of a regular cough she began throwing up. YUK! All over the floor. We changed into comfy sweats and are now spending the day watching TV (Disney Channel has some pretty good shows!) eating crackers, sipping fluids and napping in between sprinting trips to the sink to spit out the puke.

I hate when Emily gets sick because I know there is nothing that I can do for her. But what I hate worse than not being able to help her is cleaning up puke. I can clean anything else in the whole entire world. But puke is the worst thing in the whole world for me. It's just beyond disgusting. I would gladly let Bryce cleanup the puke any time that he so desires!

I also feel that Emily being sick is the last thing she needs or deserves. Wasn't her stay in the hospital enough for the poor girl? Hopefully she bounces back quickly so we can go to the circus tomorrow. Hopefully the Corduroy bear I got her at the grocery store helps her feel a little better too! :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

The First

While this is my first time blogging on this site, I am no stranger to blogging. I have been writing about my daughter since shortly after I learned I was pregnant with Emily. I have enjoyed the site I use a lot and I will continue to post notes about her as regularly as I can, but as Emily has gotten older I find myself outgrowing the current site. It is geared more for infants and a lot of things are only available for paying members...the amount of pictures you can share, the themes of the page designs, etc. Plus, I would like to be able to share other things, like how the weather is or things we are experiencing. So here it first real blog!

In this first post I thought it might be fun to learn a little bit about the 'Andrisen 3'. The three people this refers to is my husband Bryce, our daughter Emily, and me. The 3 will remain forever constant as we have no future plans to add to our family. We just got too lucky with such a smart and sweet little girl that we don't want to tempt fate! I am a preschool teacher and my husband works with computers. We like to spend time with Emily and just be a family. All in all, we are a fairly run of the mill, boring family- and I'd like to keep it that way! :)